Inspired by the bowhead whale’s remarkable ability to break through thick Arctic ice and navigate through the ocean depths, The Whole is an independent landing for students to decompress from the stressors of life.
Designed in Collaboration with Bella Sandison and Abigayle Leiding 
Decompression Space
Decompression Space
Design Concept
As it propels through water and breaks through thick Arctic ice, the bowhead whale has distinctive qualities that symbolize resilience and strength. Its vital organs are enveloped by wreathed skeletal structures that protect and cradle the whale
Like the sinuous contours of the whalebones wind effortlessly through the ocean depths, curved archways echo through the space to form a stronghold for students in the face of adversity. The repetition of organic forms creates an inviting atmosphere that feels as captivating as the oceans embrace.
Just as the bowhead whale’s bones work together to protect the entire being, acknowledging the interconnected aspects of the mind, heart, body, and soul is essential for true well-being. Creating a seamless connection between the exterior and interior and fostering transparency and visibility among different spaces is crucial for crafting an environment that accommodates students’ need for support and protection. The absence of academic and social demands is supported by the natural landscapes surrounding the site.
Privacy is carefully considered in the design, ensuring that each area provides a sense of personal space and security. The fluidity of the archways creates secluded areas for individual reflection or group collaboration, offering students the flexibility to choose an environment that caters to their specific needs. At heart, the sinuous archways not only echo the strength of whalebones but also serve as vessels of natural light, promoters of privacy, and symbols of inclusivity - creating a space that not only withstands adversity but embraces students with warmth, openness, and a sense of belonging. As the bones protect the heart of the whale, The Whole stewards the well-being of vulnerable groups across campuses
Site Plan and Rationale
Project Context
Project Context
The Whole is designed to suit a variety of campus geographies and is to be placed in a central, easily accessible location, with privacy provided by the natural environment. The selected site is placed on a walking path along a creek adjacent to the Student Union building and a Student Housing tower, which are both central to the campus.
Concept Process Sketches
A significant aspect of ensuring the sustainability of the design was prioritizing the ease of construction and replication. A straightforward construction process translates to reduced energy consumption and minimized on-site production, which impacts ecosystems and provides a streamlined overall time frame. This allows for flexible replicability and the support of sustainable forestry practices. This approach not only promotes environmental consciousness but also contributes to the scalability of the design.
Private Counselling
Private Counselling
Private Decompression Space
Private Decompression Space
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